Washington Township has announced the owners rep for their upcoming construction projects. Guess who it is!
From the Washington Township Website:
Washington Township Welcomes Owner’s Representative MBM Construction Service LLC
INDIANAPOLIS, IN (March 9, 2017) – We are pleased to announce that Mr. Marvin B. Murdock of MBM Construction Service LLC has been hired and approved by the School Board as Owner’s Representative consultant to manage upcoming construction projects for Washington Township Schools.
The Washington Township community showed overwhelming support in the passage of the $185 million construction referendum on November 8th. This is a large-scale construction project and we know it will require detailed oversight through an Owner’s Representative. Through a robust interview process, we feel that Mr. Murdock is an experienced owner’s representative who will give substantial oversight to ensure successful projects and good stewardship in collaboration with district administration and the Washington Township School Board.
Owner and President of MBM Construction Service LLC, Mr. Murdock brings nearly 3 decades of commercial and industrial experience. His extensive construction background has shown the distinct ability to consistently deliver complex and demanding projects. Some of his past professional projects include, the Indiana Convention Center Expansions-Phase V, Indianapolis Airport, and multiple school construction projects in IPS, Pike and Lawrence Township.
The owner’s representative is primarily responsible for advocating the school district’s best interests by representing the district, over-seeing and coordinating construction and/or renovation projects during each phase through completion. Mr. Murdock’s work with the district begins immediately.
“We know this is a large task ahead of us and the School Board is happy to have the skillsets of Mr. Murdock on board to oversee this important work that will impact the district for years to come,” said Washington Township Schools Board President Mr. Bill Turner.
To stay informed on our Planning For The Future progress, please visit our district website Facility Planning page at: https://www.msdwt.k12.in.us/facility-planning/